Welcome to Kindergarten

Welcome to Kindergarten 

JK - Kindergarten registrationfor children born in 2021 is now open.   

Kindergarten is a two-year, full-day program that focuses on creating a strong foundation of learning for children. Children are challenged through a developmentally appropriate play and inquiry-based program, which focuses on developing the whole child including areas such as Physical, Social, Emotional, and Cognitive. 

Relationships are an important foundation, as educators work in partnership with families to support the child in everyday learning experiences. These opportunities build a variety of skills and behaviours that will assist children as they move forward as lifelong learners. (OntariMinistry of Education, The Kindergarten Program, 2016) 

For the upcoming 2025-2026 school year, we are now registering children born in 2021. 

Click here for more information about the kindergarten program



Click on "Complete the online Pre-Registration" which will take you to the TVDSB Aspen page where you will click on "Request an account" then select "I am a parent/ guardian new to Aspen" & complete the process to create your own account which will allow you to register your child online. 

French immersion - Tweedsmuir Public School is not a French immersion school.  Entry to French immersion schools begins in Grade 1 only. If you are interested in your child attending a French immersion school, click here. 

Your Kindergarten teaching team

Mr. Tafaj & Mrs. Amaral

Ms. Pare & Mrs. Hudson

Ms. Zuber Mrs. Carmichael

Ms. Rumas &   Mrs. Langille 



Check if my child is eligible for the bus - OPENS IN THE SUMMER 2025

If your child is eligible, you will need to register them for the bus. To complete this, you'll need their student number.  Email tweedsmuir@tvdsb.ca to get that if you don't already have it. 

There are a lot of uncertainties and fears associated with the start of school. We understand, and we are here to support you, as well as give your child the best kindergarten experience possible. Below are some requests / guidelines to start the year off:

1. Please send an extra set of clothes including socks in a labeled Ziplock bag. LABEL everything you send to school.

2. We will be sending a monthly calendar electronically as we get settled.

3. Non-essential items must be kept home. i.e. toys, stuffies .

4. We would appreciate if everyone could send in a box of tissue and a box of bandaids.

5. Any craft items are always welcome. (Markers, glue sticks, q-tips, pencil crayons, playdough etc.)

6. We will be using an App called Brightspace for remote learning. Information on how to set that up can be found on the Tweedsmuir website. https://tweedsmuir.tvdsb.ca/en/resources/brightspace-support-for-parents.pdf

7. We will be using School Messenger to communicate with you. Use the email that you registered your child with to set that up as soon as possible so we can communicate with you.

8. We are on a balanced day schedule here at Tweedsmuir. You may want to label food and snacks with a 1 & 2 to help your child know what to eat or talk to your child at home about what foods to eat first. We work and play hard, a few extra snacks may be needed.

9. Please provide Velcro shoes or a pair that your child is able to put on and off independently for inside the classroom. Practicing this at home before hand is helpful.

10. Remember all food sent in must be nut free. We have serious allergies in our class.

11. Please label EVERYTHING.

12. It is a good idea to have your child practice opening their lunch bags and the containers in them. Working on getting the lunch bag in and out of the backpack is also helpful. Having a bag that is large enough to allow this independence is key for your child’s success.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call the main office. 519-452-8620

We are looking forward to an awesome year

More useful links:

Before & After School Program 

Before and After School Child Care Registry
Early Years Transition Information Form
Parent Portal Information Sheet
tykeTALK Pamphlet
School bus information
Tyke Talk Info.
EarlyON Family Centres Information
Pay for School Items Online!
Order Hot Lunch Here 
Tweedsmuir Daily Schedule

TVDSB Info. about the Kindergarten program 
